Did not go school due to only 1hr of tutorial and part of the reason is also i am very tired. So stay at home to do my PP chem report. Went out in the evening to meet yanteng cause we going to have dinner together and collect the cup that we have made for keni farewell. Went subway for our dinner, have been eaten quite a few times of subway this 2 months. But is ok cause is healthy.
Woke up like 4.30am to do some of my stuff, cause we meeting at 7.30am at Airport. Woke yanteng up and in the end we decided to meet at 8 plus. Reach airport and cannot find keni, we so scared that she might have gone in, in the end we called her several time and realise that she is eating at the foodcourt. Anyway she will be going Perth for 3 months for her attachment, we going to miss her. Was so surprise that although there is H1N1 case she still went with one of her friend. Start chanting that everything will be fine.
After we send her off, we went Tampines for swimming, the weather was good, not so hot but still sunburn, not as much as last time. We swim for an hour plus, after that we went to century square to check out if there is any movie. So we decided to watch Monster Vs Ailen, the show was quite funny at times.
After that i went to work, well wouldnt want to elaborate how my work was like, but it is counted as one of the worse day, i hate working yesterday. Was us to do some stupid stuff which we should not be doing. Anyway yesterday was Siti last day of work, we had fun too.
Was thinking if i want switch job to those that open 24hr one.
Not feeling very well, but still got to do my PP chem report and other data sheet too. Received a email from my NTU Professor and after looking at it i almost faint, maybe due to the commitment that i have to give and looking at the no. of work there is really lots of things to do.
Thought of having a rest during holiday but it look like my holiday is gone on FYP already. I want to graduate.