Friday, June 22, 2007

basically i have nothing much to post.. jux post some pic tat yong zhi send taken from the supernova o7 camp.. anybody didnt received my email abt e link let mi know i send it to u.. well.. tonight going TECC for meeting but den have to go earlier to meet tiffany 1st.. cause there is things tat need to be settled.. do enjoy e pic.. but this is onli like 1/10 of it.. hahax..

[prE caMp]
Game: helD by ken (YEC chairman)
suPrise for desMond(12am)

DesMond b'daY wiF e caKe

Isn'T it niCe.. sOme of theM we adD in one..

oNe of e gaMe trail (waTerbomb)

[DaY 1]
~ GreEn grOup~

~wHite grOup~

~reD grOup

~blUe grOup~

~yeLLow grOup~

~3 evIL pplE, stole yeLLow colour flAg~
~ steVen, Ee shEer and jinGuang~
~4 suspectS for e niGht walk~
~Jia Jin is Missing~
~berNice and mi, helping out in 1 of e station for e Night walk~
~caught by yong zhi in steveN caR~

~seriOus meeting~(you will see us sitting like this everyTime)
~reD grouP flag~
+reD hot chIli paDi+
~white grOup flAg~
+snOw whiTe+
~blUe grOup flaG~
+blUe's cLue+
~greeN groUp flaG~
+dIno bearS+

~yeLLow grOup flaG~
[daY 2]
~thinGs coLlected by blUe's cluE~
~the blAck peoPle(lol)~
~millicent, jinguang, qi hao, yip kai and jing kai~

~auctIon fooD~

~Emcees for D&D~

~taKen bY steveN~ (anyhoW take my pic)

~bLue's cLue in thEir reTro~

~faC, helPing to takE food foR e caMpers~

~beSt retrO idOl~ (maLe)

~besT retro idOl~ (female)

[Day 3]
~everYbodY get readY for theIr presentation~

~judGes for e presentation~

~i was innocent~ (suddenly theY wan to take pic)
~ Alex, mi and kelvin~

~bluE's clUe formal pic~

~blUe's clUe infOrmaL pic~

~beSt feMale caMpers~
~blUe's clUe too~

~blUe's clUe besT presentAtion~

~besT team~ (blUe's clUe)

~sAd, is timE to senD our caMpers back~
~ See all of yOu sooN~