Thursday, June 21, 2007

[MediA caMp]

meet jackson at 201 bus stop 1st den meet patrick outside e sch.. went to e library to look for our juniors..omg.. when i went in i think i onli know 1/4 of e people there.. there after tat they got a grp discussions.. have to come out wif their grp name, cheer etc.. den when i go round e grps..i am speechless.. poor sec 3s and 4s have to do e talking.. e sec 2s and sec 1s simply jux dun wan to talk..when i give them so much idea they dun even bother to pick one of my idea and put it down.. haix.. media is getting hopeless le.. how??? den after tat mi, jackson and patrick went out to buy bubble tea den help kuan hon they all buy also..

den after tat came back to play cards wif jackson, patrick and kuan hon.. den went to AVA room to hear their presentation on their ALTC camp.. den during e presentations, the rest of e media pple simply jux talk and not listening, give them a scolding also no use.. haix.. after tat e teacher came and all e grp have to present their grp name etc.. after tat they were suppose to come out wif a short dance during dinner time.. den b4 they actually think of their dance, madam riza wan us to introduce ourself.. den after introducing ourself.. went down to actually help them in e preparation of BBQ.. den e poor seniors have to actually cook for them.. den e left over food we mst help to finish.. den went back 12 plus in the next morning..

and i almost 4got tat i promise jackson i will help to organise having steamboat at marine..

many things simply jux happened at any day, any time.. anyway thankx gao yang, steven and andrew.. espically great thanks to steven..

jux now chatted wif my grp member in msn.. and jux found out tat tiffany has problem now from e camp itself.. will help u one, steven and jinguang will help u one.. below is some of e pics onli..

designed by mei liNg(candY)
+ mE+ (Main facilitators)
+ cassandra and karmun+ (female facilitators)
+ kelvin, firraihan and danial+ (male facilitators)
+ Balqis, farah, tiffany, candy+ (female campers)
+ taufiq, aidil, riduwan+ (male campers)

+suPernova 2007 @ easT sPring Sec+

+ blUe clUe roCk+
+ miss yOu guYs+

~thiS is waD haPPened wheN u re a cAmp chiEf~
~lasT yr leovine, this yr Ee sHeer~
~next yr???~