Saturday, June 06, 2009


Went for YEC Meeting
Everything goes quite smoothly
the meeting ended around 10 plus

Has been appointed as the program head for BGM
Actually they wanted me to be the overall head for BGM,
but i told them i dun have the time to take it.

Thanks verlyn for sending me home

Now i have 3 events on hand
1: Recycle project (Sept & Oct)
2: Campfire (Sept)
3: BGM (Aug)

Sometime i seriously dunno who i can find to talk too. well, yesterday during meeting, 3 person almost cried, shall not mentioned who are they but being the middle person, i can only tried to help them as much as I can although i may not be able to handle it. If you all think you all have more time, don't waste it, give it to me. Maybe i can use this timing to help them.

I still feel bad that i cant help belinda for Eco-fiesta today cause I had to work. Anyway seeing her like this make me upset too, trying to help her as much as I can, but there is still something I don't know how to handle it, cause I am not working there. Maybe someone can teach me, so I can help her.

I seriously don't know what to do now.