Monday, April 16, 2007

[1sT daY of scH]

in e morning went to long john 1st to put our clothing there den after tat went bedok inter to walk walk after which went to tampines mall.. cause we meeting li fen.. den jinguang called and say lunch is provided so we went to tampines east cc to meet them.. mi and my sis shared a packet of chicken rice cause got no appetite.. was so tired and i took a nap there.. den steven give all of us a role..and mi and gao yang help out in e registration..everything ended quite early.. den we so called had a 'debrief' but is like chatting.. after tat all of us went down for e refreshment..gosh.. so many food left lolx. but i didnt eat..den all of us went to multi purpose hall there to eat...after chatting awhile my sis, li fen and mi went off.. cause xiao mei at long john ask us to accpmpany her

went to see doc most of e time i was sleeping cause of e medicine.. and i felt so giddy so i didnt take e medicine... ah.. and i still couldnt sleep well..

today is e 1st day of sch..well.. my lesson start at 9am today and end at 5pm.. gosh.. will b having 3 hrs break today..


CLS FO camp (haples)
Haples at marine square

mi and geok teng

love and miss u guyS