Sunday, January 07, 2007

[YesterdaY enTry]

well..didnt bLog YesTerdaY cause was playing audition uNtil veri latE den was vEri tireD so went to sLp..was sLacking at home yesTerday moRning..den watch 1 movie calleD 'The Host'.. e shoW quitE nicE to watch..deN in e EvenIng went fOr ChingAy practIce at PA.. weNt to meet joey and vivene at KallAng MRT staTion 1st..but vivene wAs laTe so wE went 1st and meEt her tHere..deN our grp wAs e spirit bOoster for e ChingaY..deN our leaDer asKed us to sIng a soNg..

our eXcerise wAs daMm tiring sia..dO all e strechiNg, ruNning, juming jet etc..afTer tat we praCtice back our last week formAtion and bruSh up soMe of e steps.. AfTer tat we hAve e 2nd forMation..and e Steps is e sAme excePt tat e odD no Have to dO e opp siDe..after tt aLL e grp will have a tiMe sLot wheRe e leadEr will knOw them mOre..deN our grP practIce e sOng tat we gOing to siNg..omg..our wiLlie kor koR so cute lolx..we also had spirit booster froM RHQ3 den theY play games wiF us..afer whiCh is our tuRn..everyThing turNs out gd..aNd we had ChingAy cheer b4 we enD e daY..

deN saW aNdy at PA also..caUse he gOt dizi there..sUddenly this feW daYs keep Seeing hiM.. den afTer taT went baCk wiF joey..deN plaY audItiOn wiF yAnteNg..

gOing worK laTer den goIng to taMpines maLL to buY thingS..stiLl noT suRe whO wiLl b gOing..